Monday, May 4, 2009

pop that booty

so, as usual my friends have inspired my mind (yes it does happen). You know how these things go, your talking with friends and then the conversation gets all intense and deep and next thing you know yall are fighting for your turn to put your own two cents in. Well it was one of those.

On the ever loved Facebook some one asked why all music videos basically consist of booty shaking women and copious amounts of voluptuous cleavage. She was asking (of course its a she) "what ever happened to some r.e.s.p.e.c.t" and well i thought about it.....not like its a once in a life time thing but yeah...i thought about it.

You see, its been brought to my attention many times that the female form is far more appealing to look at than the male. i mean...on facebook once again there was this video of a "guy"...dancing to a Beyonce song and though i could not bring myself to finish the video, it goes to prove my point. The video was quite grouse but a dude...and they guy was more feminine than a diva in a shoe store fighting over minolos.

Hey, I'm not choosing sides here, but if u think about it...when u look at a "HOT" guy..all rippling in the a sack of meat...then in contrast you look at the slender frame of "stacked" video chicks, with their pouting, dipping, licking and what not...which is more pleasing to the eye?
I'll have to admit that i really do get tired of the same old tried n tested booty shaking video...but come on, most times even girls would rather look at another girls.... not that booty popping, well hosed down females necessarily are put there to get a wide female viewership or that our generation of women like women (that just sounds wrong) but then again, who wants so look at gyrating hulks in "300" style get ups? i know i don't...but then im not i guess that's just how it is...for now...more women...less men or art even.

anyway..we do respect yall women...that's why most songs out there are made in honor of you wonderful creatures, whom we men may never understand.

On another note...lets not forget that its been said "sex sells"...Men live for women, some cant admit it but if you dig deep you will realize. We go to school to get a good job, we want said good job, to make good (if not great) pay and the good pay is to get the lifestyle we have always longed for. This lifestyle (for most of us) would include women and im not saying women want us for our money (that's a different blog altogether) but a good lifestyle will definatly attract the female of our species. Hence sex sells....and we buy it in the dozens.
We grow up thinking about women, learning about women, hurting and being hurt by women, so sometimes we don't mind (some of us love) just looking at them...the fantasy ones we see in the videos are just that...eye candy. we all know that the gorgeous docile creatures that grace Neyos dancy vids really aren't as sweet and perfect in real life.

So lets just leave it at that...because as long as there are men in the world. There will be women who what to let them know they cant have a kid holding his triple layered ice cream singing "you can not have some, i know you want it". So we will always have videos with some guy rapping or singing while well lubricated women traipse around them popping that booty n licking their moistened lips.

What you gonna do?


fiksy02 said...

all we ask for is that if there r five sexy ladies on an ad let there be five muscular guys. lets be fair some ladies do get their kick from looking at guys so please is this too much to ask. nice one mr jite

Jite Ovueraye said...

lol....i guess that makes sense...but i kid u not, if u try n even out the male female ration in a video or wount sell as many copies or products. look at the movie 300, it was choch full or rippling pectoials (mostly drawn on i might add) but its a movie aimed at men....thats y the fight scenes wer distinctive n blood soaked. guys need 2 things in entertainment....action...or i dnt think the mass male viewership wana c more dudes in their escape avenue of video chic-dom.
cause most of us arent gona b leaping outa expoding buildings just to go home to the damsel in distres.