Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One big old rant (stupid frickin sayings)

This one came to me out of anger and a lot of frustration, but here it is nonetheless.

There are so many things we hear out and about and then we find ourselves saying them with out fully understanding, but we just let them go buzzing out of our mouths like little humming birds, flapping like crazy in every direction…. I mean…if we know the grass is greener on the other side of the fence no matter what side we’re actually on at that time. Then why do we even bother comparing…its so sad that we know what the majority of our problems are but we wait for someone else to amble in to our lives and point them out to us…then we get all pissed off because no ones suppose to mention our faults. I mean not to your face anyway.

And what the heck is the point of telling me “what doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger” that’s just a weak cop-out in most cases because the only time you here that is when you’ve jus dug your way out of 10 tones of crap (hypothetically obviously). I mean its not like we like in the world of duke nukem or the Mario brothers where a wrong turn actually means your dead. Or like after you win the lottery that very saying is still valid. This now brings me to another of my absolute faves for sore losers… something you have undoubtedly been told at some point in your life when your frustrated and need comforting…some genius comes over and says “everything happens for a reason”. ……WELL, NO SHIT…really? It’s a shame because I thought things actually happened for no apparent reason actually. Ok, I’ll calm down. Its really sad because I still find myself saying it at times and I'm so tired of the thought that people are saying…you came last. “For a reason” or “she took all your money and left you heart broken “for a reason” why so you can be miserable…great…so what exactly is the “Reason” for people blowing up in wars and all that marvelousness that it brings along with it exactly? I bet they’re up in heaven or whatever going “yeah I always wanted 2 b in a million pieces so I guess this was a good thing” or “iv bin meaning to lose weight” whatever… (its obvious I don’t want to dig to deep right?)

Don’t you find it frustrating when you have a problem one of your “friends” comes up and they know the last thing you want to do rite now is have a comparison war…but they always do it, don’t they? I mean, come on, my dog just died but your goldfish died when you were 3? So I guess I feel much better now…. NOT!!! I don’t want to hear bout what u went through that makes u think we’re kindred spirits all of a sudden…. I have a problem here…be a friend and listen, give me good suggestions or just try and sympathies with me…don’t give me any made up crap bout how you have it worse…its just not the way to go.

Ok, I could go on but I decided it’s also annoying we your talking to someone and they start bitching and moaning about something and just don’t want to stop…so…


czwndju said...

THIS i really identify with!if you're not going to say something profound to me when i have bad moments,don't come near me at all then!just send an email or something showing your condolences and regrets,and lets get on with it.this is why i never talk about my problems with my friends!and they complain like I'm missing out on some sage advice..sheesh.

Evaine said...

i think pple compare situatuations to make the other person realize they dont have it thats bad ..
its also a wierd kinda encouragement'
but then again what do i know