Monday, April 27, 2009

some positve motivation (like a cupa cocoa)

Its easy to think lifes a drag wen u crawl along day to day whinging n moaning about a late bus or a missed phone call, forgetting within ourselves we all have the potential for greatness. I write this not to mock anyone's suffering or missed meeting caused by said late bus, but because I myself have realized the failing in my thought process (you know a lot of us have this so stop mean muggin) . Ideas are the main stay of our civilization, Einstein had an idea, Malcolm x had one too and just these two men from differing generations have caused great change in the path of our communal growth as a planet. If just these two men (we all know there are several otheres) can actually change our course as a planet in this vast and endless universe then why cant i? Why cant you? Most of us don’t even dare ask this question because not only are we afraid of how petty our excuses are but we are actually scared we may be somebody. We may be someone more than we have been our whole lives. “Life is the time God gave us to figure out what we want to do for eternity”…I read this somewhere and a life is a long time. Find a 6 year old and tell them the short time they’ve spent on earth is meaningless and the look in their eyes should tell you that no matter how short life is….it is beautiful and full of potential.
We can make a difference, all we need to do is try.

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