Thursday, April 23, 2009

What happens next?

Was just talking to a friend and they really got me thinking. Years pass and we still have a million more choices and different paths spread out in front of us. No one told us it was going to be easy being adults but DAMN…this isn’t even funny. But if we really sit and think about it, we basically have to decide 2 things: have we achieved anything of substance so far and are we happy with the direction our lives are taking? So far as our younger ones are concerned, they just have to finish the last few stages of little big planet, buy the latest lil’ gizmo out there or spend their hard eared pocket money on sweets and what-not (I know those were my problems…oh n girls when I realized they existed, but that’s a whole nother blog) and well, they still have quite a while to go before they have to think (seriously) about all this real world stuff. But I realized early that there are many important decisions I have to make and am hoping that so far I have already made quite good ones.
If you really think about it most of us just go through the motions at our schools, at uni and even at our first places of work and then we just count down the days till the next section of life begins. This is not how it should be. You’ll soon realize that a time will come when next term or next semester will equal the real world. For some our jobs may be tasking/ different from our norm/ boring etc but we should never lose sight of the initial dream we all have or had within us. You may not have a well defined or structured idea of what that dream is, but by university you better start formulating some kind of plan…or else…no really, I mean it…or else.
The two questions I asked earlier were to make you all think, and dude, think hard because it gets a lot tougher before it gets easier. Unfortunately we have lost some good friends in the battle to reach 2009 but we all know the good Lord is with us and with him we can do anything. We pray for the families and friends of those who past, got lost along the way or even just lost track of were they we suppose to be going. That being said we should strive to be better people as we are here now.
So have we achieved anything? Most of us in Nigeria have either gone through, are going through or will have to go through the fascinating experience that is “Youth service”. I won’t lie to you but the truth is that most corps members end up doing secretarial work or generally being errand boys or girls, but as bad as those situations are, we are graduates and its up to us to find a way to use this time to not only help our county (ok…you with the grin on you face. Stop it) but we should also help ourselves. Learn a trade in your spare time; learn a different language, research on a masters programs etc. there are lots of other ways to move forward.
Then, “the direction of our lives”? Well entering university we had to come to terms with our lives direction and in some cases were asked to come up with 5 year plans. Where are you on that plan? Its time to take stock of our lives and move forward with it. Life is complex and demanding but as a member of the human race it is our duty to succeed.
One thing is for sure, no one is going come up to you and say; “hey (blah blah) your smart. Be a rocket scientist, it’ll b a snap”. Ok, people will tell you stuff like that but the point is that how much of the random friendly and evil information will actually help shape your future…. If you’re waiting for an answer, then there’s a bigger problem than I thought.

Its your future. Plan it then live it.


Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmm lovely speech there,that was why you were i OBS.well dude,with more practice,perfection will be all yours.Obiorah

sosa said...

..i guess this is d scary truth about life...but as scary as it is real, it only challenges us to make d most of every thing we come aross everyday: relationships, experiences, books n even blogs.

but basically we all have to gain (as a result of hardwork) life's experience for posterity sake and so we can finally say 'It wasnt easy but it certainly was worth it'.

Nice one!

Jite Ovueraye said...

we really have alot of work cut out for us in life but we cand do it thru perciverance and a strong is hard...but we aint goin any were else.