Friday, April 9, 2010

I've got that funny feeling again..

Your heart pounds in your chest, your hands tremble lightly, your stomach feels like there's a party going on and you're the neighbour that wasn't invited. All these things happen at once and its all her fault, she, her, that girl across the room. Its a wonderful feeling in hindsight but right then and there? As your temperature rises and a million and one thoughts whiz through your mind, and all she did was smile. At that moment....its not really all peaches n cream...well more upchucking carrots n peas, even if you haven't had said vegies..but that's just for then.

You see the heart is more than just a big pumping machine. Us conscious and sentient beings have attached so many different emotions and psychological affiliation's with a lump of pulsating muscle. It occurred to me that during my random musings on life, love and all that other stuff, that 'love' is more than just a word (yes, I know...its obvious, but just hear me out) we grow up (if we're lucky) with parents that care about us enough to scold (or bust out the koboko in some cases) and punish us when we're young and we resented them for it, as we really didn't know any better. But when we look back, some of our folks were dead wrong, but hey, some were on point...can u imagine coming home to a house you built from the ground up and your son has just drawn his special and epic rendering of ben10 on your modern white leather couch? And he accentuated it all in dark green permanent ink. Are you telling me a "time out" would do the job...please. Our folks tried with what they had....but really, more on point, these "little" things were the 1st tastes of true love we ever got.

In contrast, (or more to the point) look at that old couple you see walking in the park or spending an hour in front of you in a cue counting their change together. That's real love, imagine spending all those years together, accepting that he'll never put the seat down and she'll always be 10minuites late getting dressed...forever...think deeply about it. That guy you broke up with cause he wasn't he never called you back within your alotted 10 minute time frame or that girl you left cause her voice was just one octave to high..what if you stayed? They did...they stayed with the good and the bad because that feeling was worth it. That blood rushing through the vains, unable to swallow well, sweaty palms feeling. They stuck with the "put the seat down" rants and the socks on the floor because they had that feeling, and realised it what it was early and "the" feeling stayed because they let it.

So I may not no a lot of things but I sure know how my heart feels when I'm around a girl that's worth it, worth the re-writing a text 3times, agonising over saying "toodles" as you cut the line, the incessant worrying if I should or shouldn't call...all of that. They may not be "the" one, but if just for that moment in time, they could be right for you. So before you stand up, arms akimbo, gaping mouth, staring at some girl that just said "I don't know what the fuss is all about this barney guy, he aint that funny" calm down and think. Is that feeling there? Forgetting this dreadful moment, does she make u feel like u wana smile and run far, far away at the same time? If so...forgive her not liking "how I met your mother", or even being a Chelsea fan because in the long run....its that feeling that matters...

Oh but if the feeling was never there...then as Jay-z says, "onto the next one"....

1 comment:

czwndju said...

WHO said Barney wasn't funny??