Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Frikin Everywhere!

I'm going on about it again.... Its like its all that's on my mind at the moment and besides why wouldn't it? I have spent half my life looking for it (well sometimes harder than others) and I did even find it on some occasions. Oh, in case you were wondering I'm talking about the ever elusive prey we call Love.

But here's what I noticed only recently, Love is all around us. I'm serious, so no need for the funny looks, it really is.

Ok so its not that easy to see plainly here in Lasgidi, but it's there. Behind the fast paced, hustle or die mentality, you'll find it, and I know because I've seen it (yeah, look at me talking like I have a PHD in love-onomics).

Walking through a mall the other day I saw it on four different occasions and well I was actually taken aback (caught myself "aww-ing" actually, but don't tell anyone).
There was and elderly couple, they must have been like 70 something and as I walked slowly behind them, typing away in response to why my friends were late and I noticed them talking to each other. They were arguing about if they had locked the car. It was so real and the way they talked you knew there was nothing hidden between them. Then when they got to the front of a jewellery store they just stopped and turned to look inside. As I walked passed them the woman drew closer to the man and put her arm through his and leaned into him, he just stood there (a little bent over with age of course) all manly and proud with his woman by his side. It was nothing spectacular but if your looking for it, you could have seen the love they shared shine brightly, right there in the palms shopping mall.

With my over active imagination I obviously gave them a storyline, you know, the woman was reminded of her own wedding ring which they had lost over the years and they stood the remanicing on the old days and the passion of days gone by, content and happy to have had such a person to share it all with... But that's just in my head.

I could go on and talk about how I later saw some guy step up to a girl in the book shop and use author knowledge to chat her up, I could focus on how he meandered around her all smiles and good manners, making her laugh as he tried to help her pick a book. You could see the look in her eye as she sized him up and the twinkle in his as she gave him her number at the counter, and this could be the begining of something special as the chemistry I witnessed was electric.
There were other signs that we are constantly surrounded by love or the opportunity to love, but conditioning, conformity and lest I forget environment are what keep it from us.

See, the reason why movies make love look complicated yet easily obtainable is because they have to focus on what we tend to ignore. All those little intricacies like a look in her eyes or even down to basics of their posture as the talk to you.
I really could babble on and on but what it boils down to is that we just have to open our eyes and hearts. Then it will all be plain to see, and the okada stress, gold digger mentality, ahso-free hunters, player/hustles or even nepa frustration will just be another regular annoyance, like flies and not a barrier from happiness.

Seriously, forget my blatant optimism here and just try it, then let me know what you see.


Anonymous said...

Ok I get it. Sometimes we get so complacent that we forget that its the little things that mostly count in matters concerning love.

Jite Ovueraye said...

yes...but we all get so caught up in life that we forget the little things that matter. Like a smile to a stranger (not a creepy weirdo smile tho) or even looking up at the stars at night...i looked up the other night and it was like a strange sight to me cus i hadn't looked up in so long.