Monday, June 28, 2010

Isn't is funny?

Isn't it funny how most people that say "isn't it funny" aren't saying something funny at all?....I mean, if it was so funny you wouldn't have to put up a disclaimer before you said it now would ya?

But really though, isn't it funny how everyone has their own kind of love? It's weird cause some people don't know this but each and every one of us is wired differently. It dawned on me that a lot of us just go through the motions, doing what we think is expected of us, calling the appropriate amount of times, saying the right things, blah blah blah.

When what we should be doing is finding what makes us happy and working at keeping it. People tend to meet some one, fall into a relationship and just stay because it's easier..then they wonder why one person cheats or even turns gay (hey, its happened). Just like in the movies love differs for everyone, to one person the cliché roses and chocolate spewing out of a huge stuffed toy is just what cupid ordered. But to some one else a picnic in a cemetery or a sparkly skull and bones ankle bracelet is what they need.

We Nigerian's in Naija don't try hard enough, when was the last time you saw two truly in love people on the streets? Our culture is different, yes. But love is love...the heart beats and we all want to be acknowledged. So why don't we try and find what works for us and focus on that?

Ok, once again I have drifted from my point. Love is different for everyone. One person wants a listener another wants a talker and even more complicated are those that want someone to use nipple clamps and a ball gag...but that's gist for another day.

Know what you want and if you find some one willing to give you 60% of that... Then know you can find 90%. Settling for less is for quitters and those who want contentment over excitement.

But hey, what do I know right?

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