Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tell me about it

Hey there peoples.. Sorry about the hiatus. Work is really getting the better of me, but not to worry I'm figuring it all out so there will be regular updates.

More to the point though, what you've missed....hmmm...well yours truly had a stint in the relationship game and well it was a short trip...but this isn't the time or place to be hashing out my love palava...lemme just say this.... I care a lot about her and the truth is that we just weren't to be. (Yeah..that's all your getting)

But as a newly single guy (once again) there seems to be a running theme everywhere I go...there was even an article on about "it"...yep I'm breaching the ever so delicate subject of "Sex". The article was about how no matter where you turn, sex is being thrown at put on the radio in lag and Tools sexy voice is seranading you, you put on MTV and Beyonce has got another video showing of her extensive lingerie collection..and lest we forget those never ending curves. Oh and don't even get me started on Nikki Minaj...(Whoosaaah)

So what's that all about? a young well travelled young man.. I'm defiantly a victim to the sexual innuendo and joke on the regular basis but reading that article I really had to take a second and think it through...if its like his now..what the heck are our children in for?...casual sex has well and truly cracked the traditional, overly protective Nigeria and yes it's all still "under G" but I bet most of you either know people who are "friends with benefits" or even have some yourself.

I'm not here to judge...hails no!...I'm just hoping to get your minds on the same track as mine. Yes is great but think about it...back when we were all innocents and then we had that 1st real kiss...come on know what I mean...that first time you felt something below the belt as the touch of that special someone. Personally when I look back my hopeless romantic side was soo strong back then, mine was under the moon light in a shopping centre walkway all dark, secluded and romantic. I stopped her mid speech.. Pulled her into me and laid the kiss on her..I'll never forget that day or that girl.

But since then it's not been the same. Some girls were amazing but some....weren't. The way I see is...the barrage of sex everywhere...and I mean everywhere (even toy story 3 had so many hidden jokes) this has desensitized us they same way movies have mad blood and guts a norm. Sex used to be a thing of love and passion but now its just a passed time.

Well, I'm done...I'm done with the thrill of the case, the lyrics and lies, I'm done with the guys meet where we rehash game plays and new skills acquired. Life is more than the horizontal mambo (although when done right it's defiantly worth the hassle). I aint running away from women oh, and I aint saying I'm turning into a monk...I'm just saying its time to live my life and stop letting social expectation run my everyday decision making...

Oh urm...I'd like to continue but uhhh... Someone just walked in here and I have to..errr...tell her some very important things...*wink*

Ps...thanx for the ginger kemi

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