Monday, April 12, 2010

That's so Tweet...

To tweet or not to tweet? That is the modern day question. Here in Naija the craze of telling the world what you're up to every five minutes has become a way of life. Haven't you ever wondered what all the fuss was about? (if you're not already a confirmed tweet monger that is)
But before I go any further I'll have to break it down for you all.

Back in the day when we were all just getting internet crazy, the giants of cyber space "Yahoo" came up with the concept of instant chat over the net with anyone around the world. I distinctly remember sneaking to the IT room in school and hopping from one chat room to another, talking and flirting with strangers from Holland, the US and even Japan. Messengers grew and became more popular and in my opinion this is were the status updates came from. If you didn't want to talk, you would simply select the "busy" icon, then later you could write stuff like "Don't buzz me...I'm at work". So when online communities like "Hi5", Bebo and facebook emerged we where all already down with it.

Today pretty much every Tom, Dick and Chinedu have a facebook account (and to prove it, just search Chinedu on Fb friend search and see how many hits you get, not to mention the fact that my Dads even on there) they are all constantly updating their status's with witty comments, famous quotes and random tid-bits from their everyday lives (even if we don't care, they are there non the less). So when Twitter popped into our technological line of sight, everyone decided to try it out. And like messengers and Facebook, we all got hooked. Where else would you be able to get constant updates on what D'banj is up to or where Rhianna is at the moment? People (regular and those of the celeb variety a-like) all jumped happily on the band wagon.
With twitter all you have to do is write a short note answering the never fading question "what's happening?". The more you tweet the more you learn, as twitter has its very own language, there's Trending, following, re-tweeting, DM's, etc and day by day you become a happy member of the twitter family, sending tweet pics and re-tweeting funny updates.

It's funny though because all the down time we all used to have seem to be getting sucked up, those days when you would sit outside and read a book or catch up on your favourite episode of friends, we're spending more time socialising with thin air. Even at real life social functions peoples minds are inexplicably linked to the cyber world. At a party the other day, we were all chatting away and having fun when I asked some one for something then quoted the line "caring is sharing" but one of my mates heard me wrong and laughed saying "Yeah, sharing is scaring. I'm so putting that as my FB stat." Then a girl in the group said "Don't worry, I've already tweeted it." It was funny to see how we humans adapt so easily, adding and removing things according to peer pressure or even just conformity. But I'm really not one to judge, as I type away on my Blackberry curve, just having tweeted "Time to get writing, me thinks".

The world is ever changing and as sharp Nigerians we are changing and adapting with it. Of course you've heard of Twitter right? (If not? Where have you been? You know we have phones that aren't conected to the walls too right?) Ok, so Twitter is a nice and easy way to keep tabs on your friends, celeb loves, fans and you can even get bite sized news updates, considering if you search "acid rain" you just may get a lot of hits in the Nigeria reigion. So in answer to my earlier question? Yes, it is to tweet.

So hurry up, and when you get there be sure to follow me...


Unknown said...

Sweet, you know a fad is beyond mainstream when your dads on there! lol

Chiomsy said...

I tweet, you tweet, we all tweet! :-)

jambudu said...

Tweet twoo...

Jite Ovueraye said...

@ese its true oh...i was literaly browsing my FB account when i saw "MR D Raye wants to be your friend" and after i laughed for a lil bit i was like hey! wait a second....he'll know all my online antics through this....