Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home is where the fart is

I have come to realise another thing this morning (I tend to think a lot don't I?), well whilst I parade in the slowest fashion to work in depression inspired traffic I took stock of my life...(in bite size chunks cause a feature film would surpass the2 hour journey). I don't seem2have a home...I mean, its not like I'm a hobo or a leaching house jumper, but as I'm never in my parents house and I don't have a place of my own yet - I'm pretty close to a homeless guy. The major difference being that I have a job and good friends.
Ok, I'll do a little recap of the past 10 years for you; stayed in a hostel, then another one, then to a house, then with a friend, on to my uncles and now I'm at another friends. The longest I ever stayed at HOME was 3 months about two years ago. Which brings me to my initial point. We as humans need to be able to find association with home and comfort or else we feel lost. So when in a situation like mine we convince ourselves where ever we are is home.
Many people find themselves in similar situations all the time and some tend to feel down or lost, but it happens to us all an is just part of the becoming who we are process.
So where ever you end up, with your aunt, in a bq with a random cousin or just the back room with a friends friend. Remember that this is a transitional hard for your future and you'll be harbouring randoms yourself in no time.
Home is where the heart is...and if you can fart without looking around anxiously, your pretty much at home.

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