Monday, April 27, 2009

What’s your deepest fear?

In the words of Rick Gonzalez from the movie Coach Carter; “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our dark that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people the power to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

These words resonated within me as I came to the knowledge that its words were true. We all strive for success in our own different ways but we sometimes use others as helpers. We ask each other for advice when deep within we know what we want to do, we seek approval for things we’ve done even if we are immensely pleased with them to begin with. We are all afraid to shine. Each and every one of us was made in the likeness of our Father God and we are meant to shine brightly but we hold ourselves back.
Some people rely too much on the words of others and can’t move forward until friends or family reaffirm them. Some people don’t believe enough in themselves to move forward with ideas and notions that could change the world. Great people from our past have taken on the challenge to do great things and achieve their hearts desires through sheer force of will and determination. We can do the same. Prove to those that doubt you, by being great. Show them the ideas they laughed at could bear fruit and was a good thing to begin with. If you need reassurance get it from those that are hard to please, it will be hard to earn their praises but it will be more rewarding when you do.

A friend once told me that by sharing ideas we think we’re trying to get reassurance but we are actually showing others that we can be great. We share to prove we are growing by getting one better idea than the last. So we tend to use our friends as benchmarks, but the only way to make this information exchange relevant is to THINK them then DO them. If the idea that’s discussed doesn’t come to fruition then its time wasted.

As they quote above says, “As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” So go out and dream big, over come your fear by doing just what frightens you and do it well. Your greatness will show and it should rub off on those around you.

What is my greatest fear?
I fear that I won’t be the great man I’m destined to be but with that in mind I can only strive harder to make my fears succumb to me. I will achieve, I will do well and I won’t have this fear any more. Because as soon as we realize what we are afraid of, we can take steps to overcome them and become better people on the other side.

Take a minute and think. What is your deepest fear? And how can you over come it?


Anonymous said...

Marianna Williamson, that's who the poem was written by.
A lot of times we are afriad to actually let ourselves shine, not necessarily because we don't want to but becaus we we'll out shine our friends. Also because you had an idea but did'nt say it out loud or act on it and someone else acted on that same dream, so you just step aside for fear of being called a copy cat.The issue is everyone wants to be great but a lot of things come into play and we just take the back seat.

Jite Ovueraye said...

thats soo true...but also show cases my very point....we need to make that change...take that step...and be that dream