Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I wanna be a Fireman

OK, so I've left you all lonesome for a little while but I'm back... All ranty and ragey as ever. See normally i don't ever overly personal (yeah, cause telling you about every girl I've ever dated aint personal) but I s'pose if I want to "connect" with my audience i need to give some details.

Hmmm, you see i just got this new job and it's quite tasking cause i have to pretty much be ahead of the game, need to up my socializing (or schmoozing which always sounds nicer) skills and be more of a sales person. Its quite tough because I'm used to sitting behind a desk all day designing stuff, but know i have to learn how to push, how to meet a celeb (well Naija does have those too you know) and talk to them like they were anyone else. I've done it before, although then i didn't know the person was a celebrity, but know its more serious. Any way my point here is that I've been busy, not busy "not doing anything cause I'm in a lazy mood" but actually busy busy.

Now that's out of the way, how are you? whats been going on? You been eating your fruit and veg?.... OK really, the reason I'm here typing is that i wanted to ask you all something.... You remember being a kid right? (wasn't so long ago for some but lets move on) Those days we really had no worries, except whose house we're gonna destroy after school and if maggi cube would actually taste like choco milo... But then we all couldn't just wait to be grown ups. I'm gonna be a pilot, I'm gonna be a doctor, I'm gonna be an actor....well that last one was me. And as you can see, i didn't exactly follow through on that one. Fair enough there's a tape some were in this big ol' world of me singing and dancing on stage during a production of Oliver Twist but if that was my five minutes of fame? me thinks i peaked way too early.

But hey, a lot of people stuck to their guns and got where they wanted to be. I know that Pilot and dude...how many doctors? But even if we didn't reach that final place we dreamed of in our lumber jack shirts and Doc Martins we are still here. Some didn't make it....
So here i sit, desk bound, s'pose to be doing research on Magazine companies in Nigeria and instead I'm talking to you. Doesn't that show you how i appreciate you? No? oh....well i do. We all had dreams as kids, life pushed us here and there and some of us clung to those dreams like a starving dog to a lamb chop whilst others kinda went with the flow of life and found themselves else were. It doesn't really matter, i think. Because when you pull out the magnifying glass and take a close look...even those that got just what they wanted may not be that happy. Life is all about give and take and the sooner we realize that sometimes the "give" is more than the "take" the sooner we'll all be happy.

I wanted to be an actor and know I'm a business analyst...who would have thought? But the good thing is that i can see my life taking shape so I'm happy and i know my inner child (who seems to be more outer child sometimes) is happy with that.

are u?


Anonymous said...

Nice 1 dude!!
I can relate to this in so many ways. Esp. about not following through with what I said I would be when I grow up. But with life taking shape it is a wonderful experience. Its hard but its fun too.
I laughed so hard at the maggi tasting like choco milo splurge that brought back memories.
And yep I wanted to be a doctor too, there I said it!!

thisgirl28 said...

You know, I just had choco milo this afternoon! Maggi cube, come on who did-nt try it. I did. I wanted be a lawyer, nurse, architect, computer wizard (hence my first choice in university, until I flunked out of the dept), environmentalist (also my migration into geography dept), PR rep, and FINALLY NOW, after years of trying to figure out who I am and what I love, Event/Wedding Planner! Please note: growing up as a classic tom boy I hated weddings. Who ever would have guessed. So jits, we understand. You are to gist me of this our new job.

Anonymous said...

Odii; well first of all I wanted to be a popstar, way back in the day of kylie minogue and jason donovan and a really young maria carrie! Then I was told that when I was as young as 5 if you askd me I'd tell u I wantd to be a doctor (I hv very little recollection of this mind u!) So I guess it stuck and somehow I found myself becoming a doctor! So I fall into the 2nd category I guess cos there are many other things that I derive a lot more joy from than medicine. But regardless of all that, right now I do believe strongly that I'm exactly where I shld be, at least 4 nw. Oh yeah I jus liked lickin maggi, it had nothing to do wit choco milo, I know, I know, but I was a kid;)